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Stephanie J. Wilson


With 32 years of healthcare industry experience, Stephanie J Wilson is a medical real estate developer, angel investor, and philanthropist. Stephanie is the Founder and Principal of ACCESS Medical Development & the ACCESS Medical Inclusive Investments – both highly successful real estate development and investing firms with offices in both North Carolina and Colorado. 


Stephanie provides thought leadership and a focus on expanding the wealth opportunities and sustainable impact investments in healthcare, for women, millennials and minorities.

She founded ACCESS Medical Development in 1997, now a well-known brand in the medical real estate industry.  ACCESS provides medical real estate solutions through development, leasing, and asset management. Recent clients include DUKE Healthcare Systems, Carillion Healthcare, REX Healthcare, Inc., Cardinal Healthcare Systems. Additionally, Stephanie is an equity partner in most projects that over the years have involved REX Wellness Center, Carolina Radiology, and West Raleigh Internal Medicine.


Stephanie believes strongly in creating a more inclusive and sustainable economy, by using medical real estate investment opportunities to create wealth for those historically left on the sidelines. 


Women, people of color, and millennials have few opportunities to create long-term wealth. Stephanie has created diverse initiatives to allow for whole communities to begin “Building Wealth Through Health ™  specifically women and minorities.


Stephanie has built a reputation for her "irrefutable credibility, character and collaborative spirit". She has worked to educate and usher in the next generation of impact innovators through teaching the value of and opening up opportunities for sustainable philanthropy, and ownership of medical Real Estate to create regenerative economies, and resilient communities.

As an active member of Investor's Circle, her business prowess and investments are made available to high-impact people and companies. 






Stephanie was selected for the prestigious GE Medical Systems Technical Sales and Management Program (TSMP), a 24 month intensive corporate training degree.


Her early days at GE Medical Systems consisted of strategically interface with CEOs, CFOs, Hospital Boards and individual physicians practices to align their budgets, and reimbursements for the purchasing of the GE Imaging technology product lines:  Computed Tomography (CT) Scanners, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Radiography and Fluoroscopy (R&F), Mammography, Ultrasound and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans, Nuclear Medicine Imaging, and Linear Accelerators (LINAC). 


Stephanie used her knowledge of the healthcare system to onboard with a real estate development and construction company. 


At 29 years old, she leveraged the intersection of the deep knowledge of the burdens of healthcare and the opportunities for medical real estate ownership to birth ACCESS Medical Development, a premier, woman owned medical real estate development, leasing and asset management firm.



Stephanie’s focus is on “opening a door to healthcare real estate ownership with a focus on minorities, women and millennials .


This mission is accomplished through three (3) aligned initiatives: 

 - Kingdom Capital Collaborative Fund,  compassionate capital alliance, building financial futures for our black brother’s and sister’s through Crowdfunding.  Using fractional ownership methodology per the JOBS ACT.  Minorities, Foundations, Family Offices, Endowments, and Individuals can invest on behalf of their organizations and have a triple return:  People, Power, Profit.  

 - Wealth4Women which also uses our crowdfunding, blochain platform to invest in Medical Real Estate Assets.  “We feel it is imperative to give women a seat at the table for investment in private assets.”

- I3 - Inclusive Investing Institute is a Doner Advised Fund focused on the engagement of family offices and foundations and collaborative investment partners to activate new capital into world changing developments.

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"We can’t continue to look out for our own interests.  We must take responsibility for our neighbors, friends, and our brothers and sisters.  This is basic empathy for others - humanity - kindness, love, joy, respect for all.  We need to reach into our better selves."


The creation of Inclusive Investing Institute is aligned with the United Nations 17 SDGs and is using medical real estate investing, the technology of blockchain, crowdfunding, (JOBS ACT), tokenization and gamification to democratize wealth building.  The partnerships created with International Foundations, Family Foundations and Family Offices are aligned to revolution in our financial system by using our platform to create an inclusive, sustainable regenerative economy.

© Stephanie Wilson

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